Steptoes Dog Vintage Wares

Where I have a little cogitate on all things vintage ......

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hold on To Your Purse Strings & Your Vintage Treasures - It's a Buyers Market .......

The good news is that apprently the economy is improving! However, here on the ground, things are still tough and will remain so for a while yet and we're still getting lots of people contacting us for advice on how to sell their antique and vintage treasures.....
Here in the antique and vintage world we've been affected by the poor economy, with fewer people having money to splash out on their collections, we've dropped prices to make things more affordable for our customers and so we are also having to pay lower prices for pieces.
It's a buyers market!
It's a good time to hold on to your antique and vintage pieces if you can - as the economy and demand rises so will the prices, so waiting a few months or maybe a little longer will most likely increase the amount you'll get if you're selling. You could use this time to do some research on your item, which can increase the amount you get for it too.
It's a great time to buy - if you're looking to buy antique or vintage pieces, the prices are really low  right now and I suspect they won't stay that way for very much longer ....
Antique and vintage collections can be great investments, you can chose almost any type of item to collect, at any budget and they're endlessly facinating ...
We'll soon be entering the Christmas buying season and prices and demand will go up, so if you're looking for gifts get in quick and save yourself some money.
Antique and vintage pieces always make unique and very thoughtful gifts and you get so much more for your pound than on the high street too...
Check out our handy guide on how to value your antique and vintage items it can help you make sure you buy or sell your item at the right price!

Sarah x

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